
I'm A Geoselenic Artist!

An image of one of my paintings (Velocity, if you’re curious, as I went with my most recent work to date) is going to be sent to the Moon on a shielded microSD card in a 'Moonbox' from NASA contractor Astrobotic, so my work will be in a lunar digital archive! (Until radiation breaks through and wipes it away.)

A fellow space enthusiast who purchased a Moonbox to send microSD cards up and had extra storage available shared this opportunity with me (and others) and I excitedly submitted and was approved. I wanted to know what kind of exhibiting artist this will make me since international is no longer enough (and galactic seemed too broad), so I asked a bunch of friends and students what adjective means the Earth and Moon together.

There was a lot of speculation - interstellar also seems too broad, and the offerings of stratospheric, universal, lunatic (haha), and interplanetary didn’t fit the bill either. But my friend Bernie Langer came through with "geoselenic,” which is exactly the term I was looking for! (Apparently it’s of Hellenic derivation; Bernie also followed up with the Latin-derived “terralunar” which I like even better but which sadly hasn’t yet made it into a dictionary.)

Also, I can’t mention being a geoselenic artist without linking some relevant forefathers.

Trump-Era Environmental Damage

In case you haven't been following along (I do understand the appeal of attempting to ignore that Trump is in charge of the USA), here's a list put together by The New York Times compiling twenty-three environmental laws, regulations, and policies that Trump has overturned in the first hundred days of his presidency.  At least Elon Musk is trying his best to get humanity to Mars, since it seems like it'd be best if we just left Earth to the rest of the species that inhabit it and move to a lifeless planet that won't suffer as much from our short-sighted and morally questionable leadership.