I’ve been taking advantage of the beautiful fall weather we’ve had - I’m still biking the Adams Homestead & Nature Preserve twice a week, and recently I went apple and pumpkin picking with some friends in Mondamin, IA. I didn’t realize it until I arrived, but Mondamin is nestled right up to the Loess Hills, a beautiful landscape that features some nice hiking trails and overlooks, and which is host to a number of interesting species - including a native yucca plant! After enjoying Small’s Fruit Farm, I stopped by one of the scenic overlooks and took some photos as well as harvested a ripe seed pod from one of the Yucca glauca on site - more on that to (hopefully!) come. A section of the overlook land had recently undergone a controlled burn, which added another element to the already interesting view. As I was leaving to head back to Sioux City, I also passed this house with very eclectic and aesthetic brickwork.