Week 2 of the Arts Itoya Residency

Once we got to the studio, I began to paint! I tend to put in pretty long hours, so there was far less exploring going on - but there was a bit. While all the residents get along well, several enjoy independence. Emily and I both get along really well and like the same destinations so we began doing pretty much everything together. We asked a volunteer with the residency, Charlie, if he’d mind showing us a nearby koi store. With the owners’ permission, I used my underwater camera to take photos, much to Emily’s delight! We got some good images and the koi store owners were so very sweet. Japanese hospitality is outrageous. Despite the fact that it was clear we weren’t going to be customers, and they’d already done us a favor by letting us take photos of the fish, they also sat us down, showed us some documentary clips of their store and fish at different times, plied us with tea, coffee, and cookies, and offered their home’s art up for viewing as well as their bathroom to us. I need to up my hospitality game!

I learned that their average koi’s lifespan is 100 years, but that the oldest koi fish in Japan lived for 200 years! They also shared that this is the slowest time of year for their shop, and that the most spectacular fish come through in October and November. However, they are going to be getting new stock in next week so we plan to return!

We also began to explore a bit more of the culinary scene in Takeo, but it’s rough being a vegetarian here. Our favorite places include Irie, a Jamaican/Italian bar with a delightful owner and employee pair, as well as Sol de Verano (a Spanish tapas bar with delicious Basque cheesecake) and a tofu hot pot and gelato place. We also tend to eat at least one meal per day from a konbini (Family Mart or 7-11).

Hiro took four of us who wanted to go on an excursion to a hydrangea temple and shrine which is up a mountain in Takeo, and that was really beautiful, though my ears refused to pop for some time so I was happy when I could finally hear again!

Intersperse that with a lot of studio time, and a few late night onsen visits, and you have a full picture of my second week!