Well, let's start the new year the same as we ended the old!
Some prefacing information: I've heard that one should set water out for at least 24 hours to let the chlorine dissipate out before watering plants. This presumes there is chlorine in the tap water, which is not always true, but it's easy to do and possibly helpful so I do it.
This morning, I was greeted by a bold jumping spider (Phidippus audax) floating in my watering can full of de-gassed water. He did not appear to be able to get back out. I took a couple photos, rescued him with a screwdriver, and put him on my Dischidia platyphylla to dry off and get his bearings. I do have a limit to how many spider friends can stay indoors with me, and already removed another jumping spider who got a little too adventurous to the outdoors, but since this little fellow was soaked and it is presently -6°F or -21°C, he would not have survived. So he'll join Audrey's territory and I'll hope they get along.
I know he isn't Audrey because his spot coloration is different (hers is a light yellowish tan, his is a saturated orange), and he has bushier eyebrows - thus leading me to suspect he's a he. I have christened him Brooks, due to his rather wet arrival.