The Advocate writer Robin Miller wrote up a lovely feature article for The Advocate on me, “LSU Vet School hosts first-ever resident artist: Combines clinical labs to create art” which was digitally published yesterday! (It hasn’t yet come out in the print version - I think Robin mentioned it will be in the Saturday edition.) Below is just a screenshot of the intro, but you should definitely follow the link above and read the whole piece!
The Advocate Press Coverage
The Advocate, Louisiana’s largest daily newspaper, publicized my artist residency recently in their article “July 4 band concert and an artist-in-residence at LSU Vet School: the area arts and cultural scene” by staff writer Robin Miller on July 2, 2022! Here’s a link to the piece, and a screenshot of the first paragraph (though there’s more to the article).
I'm the Inaugural Invitational Artist in Residence at the LSU School of Veterinary Medicine!
I have extremely exciting news - I have been invited to be the inaugural artist in residence at the Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine this summer 2022! This brand new program is the first artist residency at a veterinary school in the United States, and it’s a huge honor to be asked to set the tone. I’ll be completing a two-month residency in June and July, with an exhibition at the end of July as well as a public lecture sponsored by the LSU School of Art.
Below is a screenshot of the email announcement sent out to LSU, and you can check out their webpage about it here.
A Photo Gallery from My LASM Exhibition Trip
I have a few more photos to share from my LASM exhibition and associated demos/events! This was a fantastically fun trip, all thanks to the amazing Dr. John Pojman.

The Baton Rouge Ebb & Flow Festival
Dr. John Pojman and I had a demo station set up at the Ebb & Flow Festival today in Baton Rouge - a student of his joined us and we formed part of the Louisiana Art & Science Museum brigade and demonstrated the non-Newtonian fluid behavior of cornstarch plus water as well as QuickCure Clay. We also got a chance to take in the rest of the festival, and I happened to see two friends of mine had an art booth selling their own paintings! It was a beautiful day (I managed to get sunburnt!) and I topped it off by getting a snowcone from one of the vendors. The festival will continue tomorrow, but our booth was a Saturday-only event.
Video Clip of LASM QCC Demo
I have a full schedule of demonstrations, lectures, and interviews for the next couple of days associated with the Polymers in Art Through the Centuries exhibition going on at the Louisiana Art & Science Museum (LASM) - the first took place earlier this evening! An LASM public relations staff member posted livestream video to Facebook throughout the night - here's a snippet: