The gallery director of the Manhattan Arts Center generously hired professional photographer David Mayes to document the juried national ceramics exhibition Outta Pocket. Here are his photos featuring my mixed media painting Symbolism:

I was invited to serve as a judge for the Sioux City Camera Club’s print competition in mid-October, and it was a really fun experience! The competition was split into two parts: color, and black and white. I along with two other judges rated each entry on technical skill, composition, and interest. I was quite impressed with the quality of the submissions - we have some really talented photographers in our community! Category winners will go on to compete further on a regional level, so I’ll be interested to hear how those photos fare in upcoming competitions.
Judging-wise, I have a lot of experience in assessing artwork in terms of value, color, composition, and so on. I am also expert at Adobe Photoshop, so digital manipulation is totally in my wheelhouse. I am skilled at digital photography, but there’s more there that I’d like to learn, and in film photography I know the basics but haven’t immersed myself in that discipline since undergrad. It was interesting to see how my deep knowledge areas complemented those of the other judges and vice versa.
As you can see in this earlier post, I worked atop two very large trunk cross-sections for a permanent outdoor installation. I also worked atop smaller trunk and/or branch cross-sections as well. Here are four new pieces in my “Gardens of Memory” series. The series is so titled because the substrate is very directly a part of a once-living tree (paper is too, but in a more distanced form), and the images atop it are from various botanical gardens I’ve frequented.
A couple months ago, the University of Saint Mary hosted Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery senior historian David Ward at our annual Lincoln Event. He gave a fantastic art-history-focused lecture that I got to experience live, but which is also being broadcast by C-SPAN 3 this Sunday at both 7pm and 11pm. A preview clip is available here.
I have a number of students ask me what careers they can pursue in the arts. This list is by no means exhaustive and includes some careers best served by dual majors, but here are some of the possible employers/roles in no particular order:
With graduate school, additional options open up like art therapy, higher education, and more.